Your Weekly View

Monday, 22 February 2021

Devon Families ‘Skipping’ into Spring with a Unique Lock-down Challenge

An incredible 12,000 young Devonians and their families are taking part in a lock-down skipping challenge to keep active and healthy. Devon School Games Organisers, working with Active Devon, have been stunned by the number of participants taking part and inundated with requests for free skipping ropes. Nearly 7,000 were sent out as part of the National School Games programme.

The event runs throughout the Spring term and offers young people and families the opportunity to compete against themselves and others whilst maintaining social distancing.

The challenge is suitable to do at home, in a backyard, garden or at school. It gives an opportunity to virtually team up with classmates, represent a school and compete against other youngsters from across Devon.
Many schools are using the skipping challenge as a fun and engaging way to help rebuild their pupil’s physical, social, and emotional well-being both now and when they all return to school.
“Over the last 12 months we have organised many virtual events as part of the Devon School Games,” said Lisa Alford from Active Devon.
“All of them have been popular but this skipping challenge has really captured the imagination.”
“For example, Clyst St Mary Primary, a village school just outside Exeter, had 100 skipping ropes donated to them by a parent who is a big skipping fan!”
“I suspect most homes have a skipping rope stored away ready for a new lease of life. It’s great for the youngsters, but we’ve had some great feedback from mums and dads who’ve joined in.”
Many of those taking part have shared their experience using a special Devon School Games facebook group and through twitter @SGDevon - #DevonVirtualGames
The skipping challenge continues until Friday 26th March and there’s still plenty of time to find your rope and start skipping!
More details about how to get involved can be found at

Thursday, 11 February 2021



By now, everyone has heard the name, Jackie Weaver. But, did you know there are over 2,000 local (parish and town) council elections taking place this year?

Are you passionate about your community? Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have innovative ideas for the council? Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it? If this is you, then your community needs you. 

The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) is looking for people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward for election this May, as part of its #MakeAChange campaign.

Local councils are the first tier of local government and make a massive difference to local people's quality of life. They run numerous services — many you will see day-to-day, but some are less known. These include introducing solar panels, setting up dementia-friendly groups, organising community buses, creating neighbourhood plans, implementing suitable housing, establishing youth projects, managing allotments and open spaces, maintaining footpaths, public seating and litter bins.

Visit to find out more about how you can become a councillor.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

News Team Wins Regional Media Innovator Award 2020

Congratulations to Pulman's Weekly News digital team named "Best Local News Publication 2020 - West Country" by Corporate Vision Magazine in their Media Innovator Awards.

Pulman's Weekly News

PULMAN'S WEEKLY NEWS & ADVERTISER SERIES was founded in 1857 by West Country publisher George Philip Rigney Pulman. For generations his papers have been highly regarded by communities as a reliable source of news and for their local advertising services. Today this honourable tradition continues. New and growing readership demands have required a gradual transition from print to digital.

This long-term technology investment has already resulted in the company being presented with the West Country 'Media Innovator Award' for 2020 by Corporate Vision Magazine.

Says Devon born Managing Editor, Duncan Williams: "This validation for our digital outreach, particularly during these Covid-19 aware times, has been been most welcome. We are seeing more readers and businesses needing to read, promote and connect to our local news services than ever before."