Your Weekly View

Friday 10 March 2023


As temperatures drop across the West Country, many people are concerned about keeping themselves and their homes warm without breaking the bank. With energy prices on the rise, it is important to find ways to save on heating bills while maintaining a comfortable living environment.

One of the simplest ways to save on heating bills is to adjust the thermostat. Lowering the temperature by just a few degrees can make a significant difference in energy consumption and cost. Experts recommend setting the thermostat to 68°F during the day and turning it down to 60°F at night or when no one is home.

Another way to save on heating bills is to seal any air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings. Drafts can allow cold air to enter and warm air to escape, making it harder to maintain a consistent temperature. Weatherstripping, caulking, and door sweeps can help prevent drafts and improve energy efficiency.

Using a programmable thermostat can also help save on heating bills. These devices allow homeowners to automatically adjust the temperature based on their schedule, so the heat is only on when needed. Smart thermostats can even learn a household's habits and adjust the temperature accordingly, further reducing energy consumption.

Making sure that heating equipment is well-maintained can also help reduce heating bills. Regularly cleaning and replacing air filters can improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption. It is also important to have heating systems professionally serviced on a regular basis to ensure they are running smoothly and efficiently.

Finally, using alternative heating sources can help reduce heating bills. For example, using a space heater to warm a single room instead of heating the entire house can be more energy-efficient. However, it is important to use space heaters safely and follow manufacturer's instructions to prevent accidents. 

By following these tips, homeowners can hopefully stay warm and comfortable during the colder months while also saving on heating bills. It is important to remember that even small changes can make a big difference in energy consumption and cost, so it is worth taking the time to implement these energy-saving measures.


Investing in people who invest in you is a philosophy that has been gaining traction in recent years, and for good reason. It's a simple concept that can have a profound impact on both individuals and businesses alike. In essence, it's about recognising the value of the people who support you, and making a concerted effort to give back to them in meaningful ways.

At its core, investing in people who invest in you is about building strong relationships. Whether it's with employees, customers, or partners, it's important to recognise the contributions that others make to your success, and to show your appreciation in tangible ways. This can take many forms, from providing training and development opportunities for your staff, to offering discounts or special promotions to loyal customers or partners.

One of the key benefits of investing in people who invest in you is that it can foster a sense of loyalty and commitment. When individuals feel that their contributions are valued and appreciated, they are more likely to go above and beyond in their efforts to support your business. This can translate into increased productivity, higher customer retention rates, and stronger partnerships.

In addition to these tangible benefits, investing in people who invest in you can also have a positive impact on your reputation and brand image. When others see that you are committed to building strong relationships and supporting those who support you, they are more likely to view your business in a positive light. This can lead to increased brand loyalty and a stronger overall reputation in the marketplace.

Of course, investing in people who invest in you is not just about the benefits it can bring to your business. It's also about doing the right thing and recognising the value of others. In a world that can often feel impersonal and transactional, taking the time to build genuine relationships and show appreciation for others can be a powerful way to make a difference.

Ultimately, investing in people who invest in you is an important philosophy that can have far-reaching benefits for both individuals and businesses. By acknowledging the value of the people who support you and making a concerted effort to give back to them in meaningful ways, you can build strong relationships, foster loyalty and commitment, and enhance your reputation and brand image. So, whether you're a business owner, a manager, or just an individual looking to make a positive impact, consider investing in the people who invest in you – you won't regret it!

Invest in people


Report from the Editor's Desk by Duncan Williams

In recent months, the cost of living crisis in the South West of England has seemingly reached a critical point, with reports of many local residents struggling to make ends meet. Rural communities can often seem especially neglected and are apt to feel completely off-the-radar as far as Westminster is concerned.

Rising prices for essentials such as food, housing, and energy have hit working people particularly hard, with many families finding it increasingly difficult to balance their budgets.

According to recent reports, the cost of living in the South West has risen by almost 20% in the last five years, with households spending an average of £600 more per month on essentials than they did in 2016.

With wages failing to keep pace with this increase, many workers are finding themselves in a precarious financial situation, with little room for savings or unexpected expenses.

So how can West Country people best save money in the face of this crisis?

One key strategy is to focus on reducing expenses wherever possible. This could mean cutting back on discretionary spending, such as eating out, entertainment, and luxury items, and focusing on essentials like food, housing, and transportation.

Another strategy is to seek out cost-saving opportunities wherever possible. This could mean switching to a cheaper energy supplier, shopping around for better deals on groceries and household essentials, or taking advantage of discounts and promotions wherever possible.

Finally, it's important for people to stay informed and engaged on issues related to the cost of living, and to advocate for policies that can help address this crisis. This could mean supporting initiatives to increase the minimum wage, improve access to affordable housing, and reduce the cost of essential services like energy and healthcare.

Ultimately, the cost of living crisis is a complex and challenging issue, but by taking proactive steps to reduce expenses, seek out cost-saving opportunities, and advocate for systemic change, people can help protect their financial security and build a more sustainable future for themselves and their families.

Financial Squeeze