Your Weekly View

Sunday 12 March 2023


Sunday lunch has long been considered a tradition for many families, with its roots in religious observance and a time for communal gathering. In modern times, it has become a symbol of family togetherness and a chance for loved ones to catch up and connect over a shared meal.

Research has shown that families who eat together regularly have stronger bonds and better communication skills. Sunday lunch offers the perfect opportunity for families to come together and strengthen those connections. It allows for a time of uninterrupted conversation, where family members can share their thoughts and feelings in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

In today's fast-paced world, finding time to connect with loved ones can be a challenge. Work schedules, school commitments, and extracurricular activities often leave little time for quality family time. Sunday lunch offers a designated time for families to slow down and enjoy each other's company.

Sharing a meal together also has numerous health benefits. Studies have shown that children who eat with their families regularly have a lower risk of obesity, substance abuse, and depression. It also encourages healthier eating habits, as families can prepare and enjoy nutritious meals together.

A proper Sunday roast can also serve as a way to pass down family traditions and values. It provides an opportunity for older family members to share stories and memories with younger generations, passing down family recipes and cultural traditions.

Furthermore, Sunday lunch can be an affordable way for families to enjoy a delicious meal without breaking the bank. Instead of eating out at expensive restaurants, families can prepare a home-cooked meal together and enjoy it in the comfort of their own home.

So it's agreed, Sunday lunch is an important tradition that offers families a chance to connect, communicate, and create lasting memories together. It provides an opportunity for family members to slow down and enjoy each other's company, while also promoting healthy eating habits and passing down family traditions. So this Sunday, consider gathering your loved ones around the table for a memorable meal and some quality family time.

Report by Duncan Williams @ViewNewsUK

Saturday 11 March 2023


Report from the Editor's Desk by Duncan Williams

In recent years, there has been a worrying rise in county lines drug dealing in towns across the South West of England. 

The police do a commendable job but members of our communities can also help by spotting the signs of drug supply chains and dealers targeting our towns. 

County lines refers to a type of drug dealing where criminal gangs from urban areas expand their drug operations into smaller towns and rural areas, using dedicated phone lines to take orders and arrange deals.

Small towns in East Devon and South Somerset can be ripe for county lines exploitation. Looking for quick profit and creating only misery.

This type of drug dealing has had a devastating impact on local communities, leading to increased levels of violence, exploitation, and drug addiction. However, there are steps that can be taken to combat county lines drug dealing and protect vulnerable individuals from harm.

One approach is to improve communication and collaboration between police at the local, regional, and national levels. By sharing intelligence and resources, police forces can identify and disrupt county lines drug networks, apprehend those responsible, and prevent further harm to local communities.

Another key strategy is to support vulnerable individuals who are at risk of being exploited by county lines gangs. This includes providing access to education, employment, and housing, as well as offering drug treatment services and support for mental health issues.

Furthermore, it is essential to connect with local communities and raise awareness of the dangers of county lines drug dealing. This can be done through targeted campaigns, education programmes, and community-based initiatives that encourage people to report suspicious activity and seek support if they are affected by drug addiction or exploitation.

Never be afraid to report something suspicious to the police, either directly or online.

Overall, tackling county lines drug dealing requires a multi-faceted approach that involves law enforcement, social services, and community engagement. By working together, we can prevent the spread of this destructive activity and protect vulnerable individuals from harm.

Without demand there can be no rewards available in the county lines supply chain. If you feel you have a problem with addiction yourself then contact Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics anonymous. These organisations are free, confidential and offer solutions that have been proven to work.

For information and help  -

Friday 10 March 2023


As temperatures drop across the West Country, many people are concerned about keeping themselves and their homes warm without breaking the bank. With energy prices on the rise, it is important to find ways to save on heating bills while maintaining a comfortable living environment.

One of the simplest ways to save on heating bills is to adjust the thermostat. Lowering the temperature by just a few degrees can make a significant difference in energy consumption and cost. Experts recommend setting the thermostat to 68°F during the day and turning it down to 60°F at night or when no one is home.

Another way to save on heating bills is to seal any air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings. Drafts can allow cold air to enter and warm air to escape, making it harder to maintain a consistent temperature. Weatherstripping, caulking, and door sweeps can help prevent drafts and improve energy efficiency.

Using a programmable thermostat can also help save on heating bills. These devices allow homeowners to automatically adjust the temperature based on their schedule, so the heat is only on when needed. Smart thermostats can even learn a household's habits and adjust the temperature accordingly, further reducing energy consumption.

Making sure that heating equipment is well-maintained can also help reduce heating bills. Regularly cleaning and replacing air filters can improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption. It is also important to have heating systems professionally serviced on a regular basis to ensure they are running smoothly and efficiently.

Finally, using alternative heating sources can help reduce heating bills. For example, using a space heater to warm a single room instead of heating the entire house can be more energy-efficient. However, it is important to use space heaters safely and follow manufacturer's instructions to prevent accidents. 

By following these tips, homeowners can hopefully stay warm and comfortable during the colder months while also saving on heating bills. It is important to remember that even small changes can make a big difference in energy consumption and cost, so it is worth taking the time to implement these energy-saving measures.