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Friday, 2 September 2016

Scientology - Poole targeted by Tom Cruise's religious cult

A black van slinked quietly along the streets of Poole in Dorset.

Amidst the general merriment of the town's annual carnival, many locals were unaware that the balloon adorned vehicle was being used by members of one of the world's most controversial religious groups to hand out recruitment literature to children and their parents.

Throughout the summer many visitors and tourists were approached in Poole high street by Scientologists, offering literature, counselling and bizarre IQ tests.

Booklets entitled 'The Way To Happiness' were being doled out to tots only just old enough to read them.

Derided as a criminal organisation and a money grabbing cult by its many critics, the Church of Scientology was founded in the 1950s by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. It has since grown popular with Hollywood film stars such as John Travolta, Kirsty Alley and Tom Cruise.

The Top Gun actor has reportedly donated millions to help expand Scientology's growth and fulfill its founder's dream of creating a globally dominant church network.

It can be revealed that this network had always intended to target well known holiday destinations such as Bournemouth and Poole.

Hubbard himself made meticulous and detailed 'battle plans' and numerous briefing papers still exist on how to conquer the planet using Scientology Tech (an abbreviation for technology).

Scientology says it has one aim which is to make the world a saner and happier place. To achieve this requires a vast membership expansion and 'cult' bases, or missions, located strategically on every continent. And, of course, a great deal of YOUR money.

Today Scientology seems to resemble Ian Fleming's crime organisation SPECTRE much more than L. Ron Hubbard's utopian dream.

Hubbard, who passed away in 1986, had a life long passion for the sea and all things nautical, even creating an elite Scientology inner circle called the Sea Organisation. Members still wear a naval uniform and dress code; although critics are quick to point out that Hubbard originally only took to the seas to escape paying his taxes.

It is thought that with Poole's easy access to coastal locations, expanding Scientology membership within the region is highly prized by the sea faring religion. The church even has its own super yacht named the Freewinds which travels regularly on PR voyages around the globe. Could the Freewinds be destined to arrive in Poole harbour?

When L. Ron Hubbard died - following a stroke whilst secreted at his Arizona mobile caravan - back in England a limited company was quickly registered to his former adopted town of East Grinstead, West Sussex.

The church elders were frantic to ensure future funding for their faith. Astonishingly that company still exists. It has been named the Church of Scientology Mission Bournemouth Limited and was set up specifically to market membership and funnel revenue streams from within the Dorset region back to Scientology head quarters.

Hubbard's death bed instructions to expand his religion are still being followed to the letter by a band of his most loyal Dorset disciples.

In an attic room high above the Alcatraz restaurant on Poole High Street, local Scientology members meet regularly to ensure their departed leader's orders are being fulfilled exactly as per his instructions. Counselling services, books, DVDs and even group sauna treatments are available, at a cost, from this secretive Poole lair.

A slightly sinister bronze bust of Hubbard sits in a prominent position overseeing sales.

Scientology may seem more like a business or a shop than a bona fide church to most people, but its followers would not agree. Maybe they would not dare to.

Even when confronted with the suggestion that the information revealed in Scientology counselling is later used to blackmail critics, or those who might attempt to escape Scientology, they remain stoically tight lipped and uncritical.

International poster boy Tom Cruise has also begun to remain silent when the subject of Scientology is brought up. Journalists are now barred from asking direct questions about his faith.

The Scientology cross, which to any lay person is deceptively similar to the Christian religious symbol, has been cynically trademarked and copyrighted to the Scientology corporation.

All in all residents of Poole and Bournemouth may wish to keep their eyes wide open. When Scientology first infiltrated the oceanside town of Clearwater in Florida, none were concerned and were sure it was just a passing fad. Today the Clearwater community is a major base for the controversial religion, and the church has millions of dollars tied up in controlling local property, media and community businesses.

From beyond the grave could L. Ron Hubbard yet see his dream fulfilled in Dorset?


Latest report from London regarding Scientology grooming :

Monday, 14 March 2016


A ROC Conversation is a community consultation with results. It aims to bring together members of the local community, including representatives from community groups, Police Service, Fire and Rescue, NHS, local authority, MPs, Housing Associations, churches and faith based groups, Universities, Colleges and schools and many other agencies.

We have developed a successful model with over 150 consultations already under taken and have the expertise to offer agencies who wish to engage with their local community.

Following the event each participant receives a detailed report and we agree an action plan to set up projects which meet social needs identified at the consultation.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016 from 16:00 to 18:00 (BST)

The Thistle Hotel - The Quay, Poole BH15 1HD, United Kingdom